1958 - 1964 Tehran University, School of Medicine
1964 - 1965 Rotating Internship, Tehran university Hospitals in Razi, Sina and Zanan university hospital.
1968 - 1969 Rotating Internship .Hackensack Hospital, NJ
1969 - 1970 First year Medical Residency, Hackensack Hospital ,NJ
1970 Licensed to practice medicine , state of West Virginia
1972 Second and third year Medical Residency, Georgetown medicine District of Columbia General Hospital, Washington, DC
1972 - 1974 Two (2) years Nephrology fellowship veteransو administration hospital Washington, DC Georgetown and George Washington University.
1974 Six (6) month fellowship in Renal Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathololgy, Washington, DC.
Certification and Licensures :
1965 Passed E.C.F.M.G .
1966 - present Licensed to practice medicine ,IRAN
1973 Passed FELEX Exam
1974 - 1994 Licensed to practice medicine , State of Maryland
1974 - present Licensed to practice medicine , Washington D.C.
1980 - 1990 Licensed to practice medicine, state of Pensylvania
1989 - 1991 Licensed to practice medicine. state of New York
1989 - 1991 Licensed to practice medicine , state of West Virginia
Specialty and Subspecialty Boards:
1974 Diplomat in American Board of Internal Medicine
1974 Diplomat in American Board of Nephrology
1987 Diplomat in Advanced Achievement in Internal Medicine
Academic assignment:
1972-1974 Instructor of Medicine ,Georgetown University ,Wash.DC
1974 – 1975 Assistant professor of Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC.
1976 – 1978 Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine Post Graduate Training Program, Ministry of health, Tehran, Iran .
1978 – 1979 Professor of Medicine, Jundi Shahpour university Ahwaz, Iran
1979 – 1982 Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Medical Sciences of Iran, Tehran, Iran
1983 – 1986 Clinical professor of Internal Medicine and chief of n Nephrology service, Dr. Shariati,s Tehran Univ. Hosp.
2007 March 15 Letter to the editor of BMJ, on "Kidney demand in Iran, Clarification of some points, BMJ.2007(march15) ;334;502-5.
2007 Jan. Diabetes: Changing the Fate of Diabetics in the Dialysis unit , Blood Purification, 2007;25:39 - 47
2007Jan; Maintenance Hemodialysis in the Diabetic ESRD patients: When and How? Dialysis Times , 2007Jan. Vol,11 ;No. 8:1 - 4
2006 The Contribution of Iranian Scientists to world civilization. Archives of Iranian Medicine 2006; 9 (3): 288 - 290
2006 Epidemiologic Aspects of the Bam Earthquake in Iran: The Nephrologic Perspective . Am J Kidney Dis.Vol47,No3(March) 2006 pp428 - 438
2005 Transplantation Activities in Iran. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (2005) 1: pp 333 - 337
2005 Letter to the editor of Science "In his Essay Science in the Arab world" Vol 309, 9 Sept.2005 P.1673
2004 Impact of of Hepatitis C Virus infection on short-term outcomes in Renal Transplantation. Eperimental and Clinical Transplantation. (2004);2: pp242 - 245
2004 The role of hemodialysis machines dedication in reducing Hepatitis C transmission in the dialysis setting in Iran: A multicenter prospective interventional study. BMC Nephrology 2004;5:13pp1 - 5
2004 Assessment of Renal Failure in the victims of Bam Earthquake JASN 204 Sept. Suppl
2003 Motives of Underlying Hausband/Wife Kidney Donation: A case report. Arch Iranian Med 203; 6(4);293 - 295
Reversible acute renal failure associated with hypothyroidism: Report of four cases with a brief review of literature. Nephrology 2003;8.57 - 60 Ahmad Mooraki Behrooz Broumand … bahar Bastani
2002 Prevalence of Hepatitis C infection and its risk factor in hemodialysis patients in Tehran:,,Behrooz Broumand, et al .Saudi journal of kidney diseases and Transplantation 2002;13(4) P.467 - 72
The epidemiology of ESRD in Iran an international perspective , Nobakht Haghighi , B.Broumand, Locatelli & E. Ritz 2002 Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation,2002,Jan.V.17:28 - 32
2002 Outcome of diabetic patients on chronic hemodialysis in Tehran-Iran during last ten years: A comparison with hypertension, glomerulonephritis and PKD. JASN Sept.2002 Suppl;13:678 A
2002 Bone mass densitometry in renal transplant recipients . JASN Sept.2002 Supp13: 374 - 5A
2002 Genetic Linkage analysis of ADPKD1 and ADPKD2 in several Iranian families using highs polymorphic microsatellite markers . Am.J of Human Genetics Oct.2002 suppl1663, 71(4)
2002 Side effects of Mycophenolate Mofetil Versus Azathioprine in Iranian Renal transplantation recipients ( single - center Experience) Transplantation Proceedings, 34, 2091 - 2092(2002)
Finding Genetic contributions to sporadic Disease: A Recessive Locus at 12q24 Commonly Contributes to Patent Ductus Arteriosus. A - Mani B.Broumand, R.P.Lifton et al : PNAS,2002;vol.99,no.23:15054 - 15059
1999 Renal transplantation in systemic lupus erythematosus: A multicenter study with 37 patients in Iran Transplantation proceedings, 31, 3142 - 3143 (1999)
1999 A study of Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis . Annals of Saudi Medicine 19(6): 505 - 510 Nov.1999.
1997 Living donors: the Iran experience , Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Vol.12 number 9 September 1997 pp.1830 - 1831
1997 How to evaluate CMV disease in Renal transplantation. Transplantation proceedings 29, 3056 - 3057 (1997)
1996 Situs Inversus : An Uncommon Extrarenal Association of Alport’s Syndrome. Rezaiee-Jami , Behrooz Broumand . Nephron Oct .1996 Vol74-2 96 p426
1996 Arabic Medicine and nephrology : Is It a correct label ? B.Broumand, K. Zandinejad. American Journal of Nephrology 1996; 16: 550 - 551
1994 Acute renal failure in earthquake victims in Iran: epidemiology and management. M.R. Atef , I. Nadjafi, B. Broumand and A.Radtegar Quarterly Journal of Medicine;1994:37. pp15 - 40
1993 Brucella Glomerulonephritis ( Letter to editor ), Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation , 1993 , 8 p: 373 - 374
1988 Textbook of Renal Pathophysiology, Behrooz Broumand ,Vol 1 and 2.
1987 Renal complication of Lithium Carbonate, Behrooz Broumand, Broumand Lecture notes .
1986 Non Diuretic use of diuretics, Behrooz Broumand The Journal of Iranian Pharmacist, Vol 27 , page 22 - 30.
1984 Renal transplant, Textbook, Co-author with Dr. S. M. Kadjbafzadeh.
1983 Dietary Management of patient with chronic renal failure, Behrooz Broumand , The Journal of Medicine and Treatment.
1982 Arterial Hypertension, Incidence in Iran and Its Management, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal of Iranian Medical Council, Vol 9. ( مجله سازمان نظام پزشكي ايران ).
1981 Acute Renal Failure, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal of Iranian Medical Council.
1978, Oct Treatment of Arterial Hypertension in Patients with Renal Diseases, Behrooz Broumand ,The Journal Iranian Medical Council . ( نشريه هفتگي انجمن پزشكان ايران مهر ماه 1357 )
1978 Incidence of Renal Hydatic Cyst in Iran , Elist Behrooz Broumand, Journal of Tehran Medical School.
1977, July Kidney Transplantation, Behrooz Broumand (The Journal of National Blood Banking in Iran).
1977, Aug Conservative Management of Uremia, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal Iranian Medical Council , Vol 6, No.2,Aug.
Research and Publications:
Effect of Isolation of dialysis Mashine in four dialysis unit in Tehran in prevention of new conversion of HCV positivity.
Finding Genetic contributions to sporadic Disease: A Recessive Locus at 12q24 Commonly Contributes to Patent Ductus Arteriosus. A-Mani B.Broumand, R.P.Lifton et al : PNAS,2002;vol.99,no.23:15054 - 15059 in cooperation with Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Yale university School of medicine.
Prevalence of Hepatitis C infection and its risk factor in hemodialysis patients in Tehran
IgA nephropathy: A Pioneer Iranian study; Nephron ,Vol 3. Supplement, May 1997.S 364
The Association between Hepatitis C Virus infection and Membrano proliferative Glomerulonephritis. Journal of Nephrology Vol 3 Supplement , May 1997. S 365
Hereditary Kidney Disease in Iran . Dominance of Autosomal Recessive Inheritance of Alport’s Syndrome in Iran. (Poster) Australia, Congress of Nephrology , May 1997.
Kidney transplantations in IgA Nephropathy , Who is an appropriate donor?
Effect of donor gender on kidney graft function.
How to evaluate CMV disease in renal transplantation. A.Hashemi . , Behrooz broumand .
Lupus nephritis in a sibling donor of Kidney transplantation.
Kidney transplantation in Alport’s Syndrome. B.Broumand, the fifth International Congress of the Middle East Socitey for page 85 (MESOT),Cyprus
Presence of CD30 ( K-1 ) Antibodies in Memberanous glomerulopathy a useful marker United state and Canadian academy of pathology. Sh Sabnis, B.Broumand , et , al .
Familial Membranoproliferative , S.Sabnis, B.Broumand, AFIP .
Liver Disease in Early post-transplant period in Iran. Presented in the 4th international congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, 1994, Isfahan ,Iran (MESOT)
The result of Renal transplantation in 90 patients in Iran . Presented in the 10th Asian colloquium in Nephrology . A.Haririan. S. Sistani. B. Broumand. Karachi , Pakistan.
Acute Renal Failure in earthquake victims in Iran epidemiology and management. M.R.Atef , I.Nadjafi, B.Broumand, and A . Rastegar From the department of Medicine , section of Nephrology , Shariati’s Hospital , Tehran , Iran, and the Department of Medicine section of Nephrology , Yale University School of Medicine , New Haven, Connecticut, USA Quarterly Journal of Medicine , 1994 Page 35 - 40 .
Colchicine Trial in renal Amyloidosis in Iran B.Broumand , S.Raissi, A.Haririan. Ibid. P.199 - 201
Acute Renal Failure with Mercuial Chloride , B.Broumand , R. Ganji, Chappel Hill, USA .
Natural Course of Nil disease in Adult in Iran, Second National Nephrology Congress Tehran ,Iran, Ganji ., B.Broumand
Treatment results of Type I MPGN in Iran. A.Haririan, B.Broumand, Ibid P .123 - 125
Membranous Lupus Nephritis in Iran M.H. Kiabi , B.Broumand, A.Haririan, Ibid, P .107.
Renal Amyloidosis in Iran. S. Raeissi , A.Haririan , B.Broumand. Ibid, p.133.
Outcome of treatment in Membranous Lupus Nephritis in Iran. Haririan M.D. , B.Broumand , et al , Current therapy in nephrology , Wichtig Editorial Milano . p 121 - 122.
9th Asian colloquium in Nephrology," Primary MPGN in Iran " , A follow –up study Seoul , Korea , Abs , p . 127. B.Broumand ,& A.Haririan.
Eleventh International Congress of Nephrology, Poster: Presented in XIth .
Features of MPGN in Iran . B.Broumand M.D. ;A.Haririan,M.D.
Result of Steroid Therapy in 42 Patient with primary Membranous Glomerulonephritis, B.Broumand , M.R.Ganji, S.Raissi, A.Haririan.
Membranous Glomerulonephropathy in Iran is not the most common type of Glomerular Pathology . I.Nadjafi M.D. , B.Brouman
Comparison between Renal Pathology reports studied by light and microscopy done AFIP , Washington D.C., and Light microscopy done in Iran. T.Antonovych , M.D. B.Broumand ,M.D. F.A.C.P.
Epidemiological Evaluation of Renal Ppthology in Iran, B.Broumand M.D. , I.Nadjafi M.D. International Congress of Nephrology ,1990 ,Tokyo , Japan, Abs 117A
Response of Membranous Glomerulonphritis to treatment with high dose Corticosteroid in Iran . Presented at Iranian Society of Nephrology Meeting, Tehran ,Iran .
Incidence of Renal Amyloidosis following Famillial Mediterranian Fever (FMF) in Iran, Presented at Tehran University Hospital ,Tehran ,Iran. 1985
The high Incidence of Membranprolifeative Glomerulonephritis in Iran .
1st International Congress , The Middle East dialysis and Organ transplant Foundation , Istanbul , Turkey.
Management of Arterial Hypertension accompanied by Renal Disease. First International Congress of Hypertension in Tehran,Iran.
Metabolic Complication of Cancer. Presented at fifth (5th) Annual Cancer Congress, Jundi – Shahpour University , Ahwaz ,Iran
Angiographic Finding in periarteritis Nodosa, presented at the seventh (7th) Iranian Congress of Radiology , Tehran ,Iran.
Incidence of Hypertension in general population in Tehran. Presented at Rezaieeh Medical School, Rezaieeh , Iran.
Uremic Syndrome Incidence in hospital admission in Iran. Presented at nine (9th) Symposium of Kidney disease Organized by Razi University Hospital and Iranian Society of Nephrology ,Tehran ,Iran
Incidence of T.B. Adenitis in Hemodialysis population in Iran. Presented at Deuzieme Journals Pediatricues de la Faculte de Medicine 1, Universite National de 1 , Iran
Drug Induced Interestial Nephritis , News letter A.F.I.P. U.S.A.
Lectures and teaching conferences:
1972 – 1975 12 Lectures in Renal physiology course at Washington hospital centers and three lecture in Glomerluonephritis at Wash. DC ped.H.
1976 - 1980 Teaching Clinical Nephrol, morning reports and neph r ology rounds at Firoozgar University Hospital Tehran , Iran
1978 - 1979 Renal physiology for Med.student of Melli Univ.Tehran,Iran
1985 June9 - 15 Clinical manifestation of Uremia , 1st Annual meeting of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine(Intensive review course) , Tehran Iran
1985 Oct,09, Bone lesions in ESRD , CME on Metabolic bone diseases by Iranian Society of Internal medicine &Iranian Endocrine association.
1980,Aug - 1990 Teaching Clinical Nephrology , Renal Pathology and Pathophysiology , more than two hundreds (200) hours per year in different medical schools in Iran.
1990,Dec 7 Acute Renal Failure CME lecture sponsored by GLAXO, Ramada Inn, Beckley , West Virginia.
1991,March 7 Clinicopathological Conference , West Virginia University Hospital , Charleston West Virginia .
1991, July 18 Held a one (1) hour lecture on calcium channel blockers CME, supported by SANDOZ ., West Virginia ,USA .
1992 August Drug Interaction with Lithium . 3rd annual congress of Iranian Society of psychiatry. Roozbeh University Hospital , Tehran , Iran
1992 Sept.5 - 5 Glomerular disease in Brucellosis. Shahrkord Medical School Shahrkord , 1st Brucellosis conference in Iran.
1992 Oct.3 - 5 Poure Sina and Urinalysis, The international congress of the history of Medicine in Islam and IRAN. Allameh Amini Hall Tehran University,
1992 , Nov 12 The most common Glomerulonephritis , in Iran Renal Grand Rounds , The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine , Nashville , TN 37232 - 2372 , USA
1993 May Contribution of Razi in progression of science. The international congress for the advance of science and chnology in the Isalamic world. By Tehran University and Iran's Academy of Science.
1993 , July,29 The role of endothelial cell in arterial hypertension . 2nd annual conference of Iranian society of Nephrology , Hilton hotel , Tehran Iran.
1993 Oct,26 Genito - urinary tuberculosis.2nd National congress of zoonoses in Iran. Vahdat Hall , Tabriz University. Tabriz , Iran
1994 April,14 Renal transplantation and Pregnancy CME of Medical and Surgical disease Gilan University of Medical Sciences , Rasht , Iran.
1996 - Dec. 15 The high prevalence of autosomal recessive Alport,s n s yndrome in Iran. Grand rounds Vanderbilt University School of medicine ,Nashville TN., USA
1998 March,6 - 8 Adhesion Molecules,5th annual congress of Iranian Society of nephrology in co - operation with ISN. Azadi Hotel Tehran , Iran.
1999 Nov.24 - 26 Serological evaluation of Anti CMV Ab(IgG-IgM) in healthy donors and recipient of kidney transplantation. Forth congress of organ transplantation. Isfahan , Iran, organized by co-operation of Isfahan university of medical sciences, Iranian Society of Organ transplantation & Urology.
2000 March 4 - 6 Nitric Oxide and Kidney , 6th annual Iranian Society of nephrology dialysis &Transplantation congress, Azadi Hotel , Tehran , Iran.
2000 April 22 - 24 Adhesion Molecules .4th National congress of Zoonoses in Iran. Iranian Academy of higher education&Minisrty of Health.
2001 April28 - 30 Glomerular disease in Iran Dialysis and Transplantation symposium combined meeting of Iranian Society of Nephrology, Red Crescent.
2002 April20 - 23 Cytokine and the Kidney,7th annual Iranian Society of Nephrology congress with cooperation of ISN. Razi congress center Tehran.
2002May,15 Cytokines and kidney transplantation. 3rd congress of Iranian Society of organ transplantation. Razi Congress Hall, Tehran IRAN.
2002 June Acute renal failure , 14th annual congress of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine. Razi's Hall , Tehran, Iran .
2002 Oct.22 Economics of organ transplantation in MESOT Countries. In Masqat Oman,8th MESOT meeting .
2003 June 07 Progress of Nephrology in Iran , ISN, COMGAN World Nephrology conference , Berlin Germany.
2003 September Genome and the kidney . 8th annual Iranian Society of Nephrology congress , Hamayesh Razi Congress Hall Tehran , Iran
2004 April15 - 16 Concluding remarks in renal disaster relief task force . Joint meeting of ISN, Iranian Society of Nephrology and Iranian association of Surgeons. On BAM Earthquake.
2004 Dec. Transplantation in Iran . 9th MESOT meeting in Ankara Turkey.
2004 Dec. Impact of Hepatitis C Virus infection on short-term outcomes in Renal Transplantation. 9th MESOT meeting in Ankara , Turkey.
2005June Clinical manifestation of acute cellular rejection of Transplant kidney. Annual meeting of Iranian Society of pathology, Imam Hall H Imam Khomeini hospital Tehran Iran.
2005 Sept. Management of Arterial hypertension. CME meeting Rasoul Akram University hospital , Iran University of Medical Sciences.
2006 March Malignant hypertension . 2nd bi-annual meeting of Iranian association of Internal Medicine and subspecialty meeting in Imam Hall .Tehran
2006 Oct. Renal replacement therapy in Diabetic ESRD, Monthly meeting of Iranian Society of Nephrology , Hashemi-Nedjad Hospital ,Tehran.
2006 Nov.13 New approach to evaluate victim of renal disaster, lesson from Bam earthquake, Grand Rounds Harbor-UCLA , LA. CA , USA.
2007,Jan.14 - 26 Diabetes- Changing the fate of diabetics in dialysis unit. KEYNOTE Address at 9th International Conference on Dialysis. ADVANCES IN CKD 2007 , Hilton Hotel . Austin, Texas , USA.
Professional committees , Memberships , and offices:
1973 - 1975 Member Washington ,D.C., Medical Society .
1974 - present Fellow , American College of Physicians .
1975 - 1978 President of pharmaceutical committee , Beh Avar Hospital , Iran .
1975 - 1979 President Educational Committee , firoozgar Hospital ministry of Health , Iran.
1975 - 1979 Member of Medical Council , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran .
1975 - present Member International Society of Nephrology.
1976 - 1979 Member of Purchasing Committee , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran.
1976 - 1979 Director of Medical Education , Iranian Ministry of Health , post graduate program , Iran .
1976 - present Member , Iranian Society of Nephrology August1977 - 1985 President Iranian Society of Nephrology (4 terms).
1976 - present Member , Iranian Society of Nephrology
1976 - 1982 Member of Iranian transplant Organization , Tehran , Iran
1976 - 1986 Member of Internal Medicine Diseases committee Iranian Medical Council .
1977 - 1979 Chief of Medical Council Branch 4 , Ministry of Health, Tehran , Iran
1977 - 2000 Member of Editorial board of Nephron Journal of Nephrology .
1978 - 1984 Consultant Member of editorial board of the Journal of Iranian Medical Council .
1979 - 1980 President , University of Medical Sciences of Iran , Tehran .
1979 - present Fellow of American College of Physicians .
1980 - 1986 Elected Member of board of directors , Iranian Medical Council , Iran .
1984 - 1988 Treasurer of board of directors of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine (2 terms) .
1987 - 1992 Member European Dialysis and transplant Association , Europe .
1990 - 1992 Member , West Virginia Medical Society .
1990 - 1992 Member , Raleigh County Medical Society .
1990 - 1992 Member , Fayette County Medical Society .
1990 - 2004 Member , National Kidney foundation .
1990 - present Member American Society of Nephrology .
1994 - present Member Iranian Society of Organ transplantation.
1998 - 2004 Board of director Iranian Society of Organ Tx.
2007 Re-elected as board member of Iranian Soc.Org.TX.
1998 - 2002 Representative of Iranian Society of organ transplantation in Middle East Society of Organ Transplantation(MESOT)
2002 - 2004 Vice president Middle East Society of organ transplantation.
2003 - 2005 Consultant affiliate to Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran.
2005 Introduced by International Society of Nephrology as candidate to be elected as council member of ISN from middle east.
1999 - 2006 President Iranian Society of Nephrology(2 terms).
2004 - 2007 Member of Board of Director for Iranian association of Internist and subspecialties (two terms)
2004 - Present Member of Board of director for theIranian association of Medical Societies(IAMS)
2006 - present Chairman educational committee of Iranian Association of Medical Societies.
2005 - present Associate member of Iranian Academy of Medical science of Iran.
Other Activities:
1974 - 1975 Full - time Nephrologist , Renal Section , Department of Internal Medicine , Washington Hospital Center, Washington , D.C.
1975 - 1979 Chief of Nephrology and Dialysis center , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran .
1976 - 1979 Chairman Department of Internal Medicine , Firoozgar Hospital , Iran.
1976 - 1988 Consultant Nephrologist to Bank Melli Hospital ,National Oil Company Hospital and Sholada Medical Center .
1976 Organized Ninth (9) Symposium of Kidney disease , Tehran , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Member and Inspector of National dialysis and Transplant Committee , Tehran , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Chief of Nephro - Urology department , Ministry of Health , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Organized nephrology Thursday Journal Club ,Beh - Avar Nephrology service, Tehran , Iran.
1978 Organized first International Congress of Hypertension , Tehran , Iran .
1978 Organized fifth (5) Annual cancer congress , Ahwaz , Iran .
1980 - 1981 President , University of Medical Sciences of Iran .
1983 - 1986 Chief of Renal Service Dr. Shariati’s University Hospital, Tehran University , Iran .
1985 Organized Intensive review course in Internal Medicine , Arranged by Iranian Society of Internal Medicine , Tehran , Iran , June 9 - 15.
Nov.12 - 15 ,1990 Abdominal Ultrasonography , diagnostic Ultrasound division , Department of Radiology .Abdominal Ultrasonography , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , Philadelphia , PA .
Nov. 16,1990 Prostate Ultrasound , Division of Diagnostic ultrasound , Department of Radiology , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , Philadelphia ,PA.
8/20/90 - present Nephrologist ,Med - Surg Group 502 Main Street , Oak Hill , West Virginia 25901 .
1980 - 1982 President Iran university of medical sciences/
1980 - present Professor of Medicine Iran university of medical sciences
1972 - 2006 Chair person of many scientific medical conferences.
2003 President of 8th annual Congress of Iranian Society of Nephrology..
2006 President 2nd bi - annual meeting of Iranian association of Internal Medicine and subspecialty meeting in Imam Hall, Tehran.
1958 - 1964 Tehran University, School of Medicine
1964 - 1965 Rotating Internship, Tehran university Hospitals in Razi, Sina and Zanan university hospital.
1968 - 1969 Rotating Internship .Hackensack Hospital, NJ
1969 - 1970 First year Medical Residency, Hackensack Hospital ,NJ
1970 Licensed to practice medicine , state of West Virginia
1972 Second and third year Medical Residency, Georgetown medicine District of Columbia General Hospital, Washington, DC
1972 - 1974 Two (2) years Nephrology fellowship veteransو administration hospital Washington, DC Georgetown and George Washington University.
1974 Six (6) month fellowship in Renal Pathology Armed Forces Institute of Pathololgy, Washington, DC.
Certification and Licensures :
1965 Passed E.C.F.M.G .
1966 - present Licensed to practice medicine ,IRAN
1973 Passed FELEX Exam
1974 - 1994 Licensed to practice medicine , State of Maryland
1974 - present Licensed to practice medicine , Washington D.C.
1980 - 1990 Licensed to practice medicine, state of Pensylvania
1989 - 1991 Licensed to practice medicine. state of New York
1989 - 1991 Licensed to practice medicine , state of West Virginia
Specialty and Subspecialty Boards:
1974 Diplomat in American Board of Internal Medicine
1974 Diplomat in American Board of Nephrology
1987 Diplomat in Advanced Achievement in Internal Medicine
Academic assignment:
1972-1974 Instructor of Medicine ,Georgetown University ,Wash.DC
1974 – 1975 Assistant professor of Medicine, George Washington University School of Medicine, Washington, DC.
1976 – 1978 Chairman, Department of Internal Medicine Post Graduate Training Program, Ministry of health, Tehran, Iran .
1978 – 1979 Professor of Medicine, Jundi Shahpour university Ahwaz, Iran
1979 – 1982 Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Medical Sciences of Iran, Tehran, Iran
1983 – 1986 Clinical professor of Internal Medicine and chief of n Nephrology service, Dr. Shariati,s Tehran Univ. Hosp.
2007 March 15 Letter to the editor of BMJ, on "Kidney demand in Iran, Clarification of some points, BMJ.2007(march15) ;334;502-5.
2007 Jan. Diabetes: Changing the Fate of Diabetics in the Dialysis unit , Blood Purification, 2007;25:39 - 47
2007Jan; Maintenance Hemodialysis in the Diabetic ESRD patients: When and How? Dialysis Times , 2007Jan. Vol,11 ;No. 8:1 - 4
2006 The Contribution of Iranian Scientists to world civilization. Archives of Iranian Medicine 2006; 9 (3): 288 - 290
2006 Epidemiologic Aspects of the Bam Earthquake in Iran: The Nephrologic Perspective . Am J Kidney Dis.Vol47,No3(March) 2006 pp428 - 438
2005 Transplantation Activities in Iran. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation (2005) 1: pp 333 - 337
2005 Letter to the editor of Science "In his Essay Science in the Arab world" Vol 309, 9 Sept.2005 P.1673
2004 Impact of of Hepatitis C Virus infection on short-term outcomes in Renal Transplantation. Eperimental and Clinical Transplantation. (2004);2: pp242 - 245
2004 The role of hemodialysis machines dedication in reducing Hepatitis C transmission in the dialysis setting in Iran: A multicenter prospective interventional study. BMC Nephrology 2004;5:13pp1 - 5
2004 Assessment of Renal Failure in the victims of Bam Earthquake JASN 204 Sept. Suppl
2003 Motives of Underlying Hausband/Wife Kidney Donation: A case report. Arch Iranian Med 203; 6(4);293 - 295
Reversible acute renal failure associated with hypothyroidism: Report of four cases with a brief review of literature. Nephrology 2003;8.57 - 60 Ahmad Mooraki Behrooz Broumand … bahar Bastani
2002 Prevalence of Hepatitis C infection and its risk factor in hemodialysis patients in Tehran:,,Behrooz Broumand, et al .Saudi journal of kidney diseases and Transplantation 2002;13(4) P.467 - 72
The epidemiology of ESRD in Iran an international perspective , Nobakht Haghighi , B.Broumand, Locatelli & E. Ritz 2002 Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation,2002,Jan.V.17:28 - 32
2002 Outcome of diabetic patients on chronic hemodialysis in Tehran-Iran during last ten years: A comparison with hypertension, glomerulonephritis and PKD. JASN Sept.2002 Suppl;13:678 A
2002 Bone mass densitometry in renal transplant recipients . JASN Sept.2002 Supp13: 374 - 5A
2002 Genetic Linkage analysis of ADPKD1 and ADPKD2 in several Iranian families using highs polymorphic microsatellite markers . Am.J of Human Genetics Oct.2002 suppl1663, 71(4)
2002 Side effects of Mycophenolate Mofetil Versus Azathioprine in Iranian Renal transplantation recipients ( single - center Experience) Transplantation Proceedings, 34, 2091 - 2092(2002)
Finding Genetic contributions to sporadic Disease: A Recessive Locus at 12q24 Commonly Contributes to Patent Ductus Arteriosus. A - Mani B.Broumand, R.P.Lifton et al : PNAS,2002;vol.99,no.23:15054 - 15059
1999 Renal transplantation in systemic lupus erythematosus: A multicenter study with 37 patients in Iran Transplantation proceedings, 31, 3142 - 3143 (1999)
1999 A study of Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis . Annals of Saudi Medicine 19(6): 505 - 510 Nov.1999.
1997 Living donors: the Iran experience , Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Vol.12 number 9 September 1997 pp.1830 - 1831
1997 How to evaluate CMV disease in Renal transplantation. Transplantation proceedings 29, 3056 - 3057 (1997)
1996 Situs Inversus : An Uncommon Extrarenal Association of Alport’s Syndrome. Rezaiee-Jami , Behrooz Broumand . Nephron Oct .1996 Vol74-2 96 p426
1996 Arabic Medicine and nephrology : Is It a correct label ? B.Broumand, K. Zandinejad. American Journal of Nephrology 1996; 16: 550 - 551
1994 Acute renal failure in earthquake victims in Iran: epidemiology and management. M.R. Atef , I. Nadjafi, B. Broumand and A.Radtegar Quarterly Journal of Medicine;1994:37. pp15 - 40
1993 Brucella Glomerulonephritis ( Letter to editor ), Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation , 1993 , 8 p: 373 - 374
1988 Textbook of Renal Pathophysiology, Behrooz Broumand ,Vol 1 and 2.
1987 Renal complication of Lithium Carbonate, Behrooz Broumand, Broumand Lecture notes .
1986 Non Diuretic use of diuretics, Behrooz Broumand The Journal of Iranian Pharmacist, Vol 27 , page 22 - 30.
1984 Renal transplant, Textbook, Co-author with Dr. S. M. Kadjbafzadeh.
1983 Dietary Management of patient with chronic renal failure, Behrooz Broumand , The Journal of Medicine and Treatment.
1982 Arterial Hypertension, Incidence in Iran and Its Management, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal of Iranian Medical Council, Vol 9. ( مجله سازمان نظام پزشكي ايران ).
1981 Acute Renal Failure, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal of Iranian Medical Council.
1978, Oct Treatment of Arterial Hypertension in Patients with Renal Diseases, Behrooz Broumand ,The Journal Iranian Medical Council . ( نشريه هفتگي انجمن پزشكان ايران مهر ماه 1357 )
1978 Incidence of Renal Hydatic Cyst in Iran , Elist Behrooz Broumand, Journal of Tehran Medical School.
1977, July Kidney Transplantation, Behrooz Broumand (The Journal of National Blood Banking in Iran).
1977, Aug Conservative Management of Uremia, Behrooz Broumand, The Journal Iranian Medical Council , Vol 6, No.2,Aug.
Research and Publications:
Effect of Isolation of dialysis Mashine in four dialysis unit in Tehran in prevention of new conversion of HCV positivity.
Finding Genetic contributions to sporadic Disease: A Recessive Locus at 12q24 Commonly Contributes to Patent Ductus Arteriosus. A-Mani B.Broumand, R.P.Lifton et al : PNAS,2002;vol.99,no.23:15054 - 15059 in cooperation with Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Yale university School of medicine.
Prevalence of Hepatitis C infection and its risk factor in hemodialysis patients in Tehran
IgA nephropathy: A Pioneer Iranian study; Nephron ,Vol 3. Supplement, May 1997.S 364
The Association between Hepatitis C Virus infection and Membrano proliferative Glomerulonephritis. Journal of Nephrology Vol 3 Supplement , May 1997. S 365
Hereditary Kidney Disease in Iran . Dominance of Autosomal Recessive Inheritance of Alport’s Syndrome in Iran. (Poster) Australia, Congress of Nephrology , May 1997.
Kidney transplantations in IgA Nephropathy , Who is an appropriate donor?
Effect of donor gender on kidney graft function.
How to evaluate CMV disease in renal transplantation. A.Hashemi . , Behrooz broumand .
Lupus nephritis in a sibling donor of Kidney transplantation.
Kidney transplantation in Alport’s Syndrome. B.Broumand, the fifth International Congress of the Middle East Socitey for page 85 (MESOT),Cyprus
Presence of CD30 ( K-1 ) Antibodies in Memberanous glomerulopathy a useful marker United state and Canadian academy of pathology. Sh Sabnis, B.Broumand , et , al .
Familial Membranoproliferative , S.Sabnis, B.Broumand, AFIP .
Liver Disease in Early post-transplant period in Iran. Presented in the 4th international congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, 1994, Isfahan ,Iran (MESOT)
The result of Renal transplantation in 90 patients in Iran . Presented in the 10th Asian colloquium in Nephrology . A.Haririan. S. Sistani. B. Broumand. Karachi , Pakistan.
Acute Renal Failure in earthquake victims in Iran epidemiology and management. M.R.Atef , I.Nadjafi, B.Broumand, and A . Rastegar From the department of Medicine , section of Nephrology , Shariati’s Hospital , Tehran , Iran, and the Department of Medicine section of Nephrology , Yale University School of Medicine , New Haven, Connecticut, USA Quarterly Journal of Medicine , 1994 Page 35 - 40 .
Colchicine Trial in renal Amyloidosis in Iran B.Broumand , S.Raissi, A.Haririan. Ibid. P.199 - 201
Acute Renal Failure with Mercuial Chloride , B.Broumand , R. Ganji, Chappel Hill, USA .
Natural Course of Nil disease in Adult in Iran, Second National Nephrology Congress Tehran ,Iran, Ganji ., B.Broumand
Treatment results of Type I MPGN in Iran. A.Haririan, B.Broumand, Ibid P .123 - 125
Membranous Lupus Nephritis in Iran M.H. Kiabi , B.Broumand, A.Haririan, Ibid, P .107.
Renal Amyloidosis in Iran. S. Raeissi , A.Haririan , B.Broumand. Ibid, p.133.
Outcome of treatment in Membranous Lupus Nephritis in Iran. Haririan M.D. , B.Broumand , et al , Current therapy in nephrology , Wichtig Editorial Milano . p 121 - 122.
9th Asian colloquium in Nephrology," Primary MPGN in Iran " , A follow –up study Seoul , Korea , Abs , p . 127. B.Broumand ,& A.Haririan.
Eleventh International Congress of Nephrology, Poster: Presented in XIth .
Features of MPGN in Iran . B.Broumand M.D. ;A.Haririan,M.D.
Result of Steroid Therapy in 42 Patient with primary Membranous Glomerulonephritis, B.Broumand , M.R.Ganji, S.Raissi, A.Haririan.
Membranous Glomerulonephropathy in Iran is not the most common type of Glomerular Pathology . I.Nadjafi M.D. , B.Brouman
Comparison between Renal Pathology reports studied by light and microscopy done AFIP , Washington D.C., and Light microscopy done in Iran. T.Antonovych , M.D. B.Broumand ,M.D. F.A.C.P.
Epidemiological Evaluation of Renal Ppthology in Iran, B.Broumand M.D. , I.Nadjafi M.D. International Congress of Nephrology ,1990 ,Tokyo , Japan, Abs 117A
Response of Membranous Glomerulonphritis to treatment with high dose Corticosteroid in Iran . Presented at Iranian Society of Nephrology Meeting, Tehran ,Iran .
Incidence of Renal Amyloidosis following Famillial Mediterranian Fever (FMF) in Iran, Presented at Tehran University Hospital ,Tehran ,Iran. 1985
The high Incidence of Membranprolifeative Glomerulonephritis in Iran .
1st International Congress , The Middle East dialysis and Organ transplant Foundation , Istanbul , Turkey.
Management of Arterial Hypertension accompanied by Renal Disease. First International Congress of Hypertension in Tehran,Iran.
Metabolic Complication of Cancer. Presented at fifth (5th) Annual Cancer Congress, Jundi – Shahpour University , Ahwaz ,Iran
Angiographic Finding in periarteritis Nodosa, presented at the seventh (7th) Iranian Congress of Radiology , Tehran ,Iran.
Incidence of Hypertension in general population in Tehran. Presented at Rezaieeh Medical School, Rezaieeh , Iran.
Uremic Syndrome Incidence in hospital admission in Iran. Presented at nine (9th) Symposium of Kidney disease Organized by Razi University Hospital and Iranian Society of Nephrology ,Tehran ,Iran
Incidence of T.B. Adenitis in Hemodialysis population in Iran. Presented at Deuzieme Journals Pediatricues de la Faculte de Medicine 1, Universite National de 1 , Iran
Drug Induced Interestial Nephritis , News letter A.F.I.P. U.S.A.
Lectures and teaching conferences:
1972 – 1975 12 Lectures in Renal physiology course at Washington hospital centers and three lecture in Glomerluonephritis at Wash. DC ped.H.
1976 - 1980 Teaching Clinical Nephrol, morning reports and neph r ology rounds at Firoozgar University Hospital Tehran , Iran
1978 - 1979 Renal physiology for Med.student of Melli Univ.Tehran,Iran
1985 June9 - 15 Clinical manifestation of Uremia , 1st Annual meeting of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine(Intensive review course) , Tehran Iran
1985 Oct,09, Bone lesions in ESRD , CME on Metabolic bone diseases by Iranian Society of Internal medicine &Iranian Endocrine association.
1980,Aug - 1990 Teaching Clinical Nephrology , Renal Pathology and Pathophysiology , more than two hundreds (200) hours per year in different medical schools in Iran.
1990,Dec 7 Acute Renal Failure CME lecture sponsored by GLAXO, Ramada Inn, Beckley , West Virginia.
1991,March 7 Clinicopathological Conference , West Virginia University Hospital , Charleston West Virginia .
1991, July 18 Held a one (1) hour lecture on calcium channel blockers CME, supported by SANDOZ ., West Virginia ,USA .
1992 August Drug Interaction with Lithium . 3rd annual congress of Iranian Society of psychiatry. Roozbeh University Hospital , Tehran , Iran
1992 Sept.5 - 5 Glomerular disease in Brucellosis. Shahrkord Medical School Shahrkord , 1st Brucellosis conference in Iran.
1992 Oct.3 - 5 Poure Sina and Urinalysis, The international congress of the history of Medicine in Islam and IRAN. Allameh Amini Hall Tehran University,
1992 , Nov 12 The most common Glomerulonephritis , in Iran Renal Grand Rounds , The Vanderbilt University School of Medicine , Nashville , TN 37232 - 2372 , USA
1993 May Contribution of Razi in progression of science. The international congress for the advance of science and chnology in the Isalamic world. By Tehran University and Iran's Academy of Science.
1993 , July,29 The role of endothelial cell in arterial hypertension . 2nd annual conference of Iranian society of Nephrology , Hilton hotel , Tehran Iran.
1993 Oct,26 Genito - urinary tuberculosis.2nd National congress of zoonoses in Iran. Vahdat Hall , Tabriz University. Tabriz , Iran
1994 April,14 Renal transplantation and Pregnancy CME of Medical and Surgical disease Gilan University of Medical Sciences , Rasht , Iran.
1996 - Dec. 15 The high prevalence of autosomal recessive Alport,s n s yndrome in Iran. Grand rounds Vanderbilt University School of medicine ,Nashville TN., USA
1998 March,6 - 8 Adhesion Molecules,5th annual congress of Iranian Society of nephrology in co - operation with ISN. Azadi Hotel Tehran , Iran.
1999 Nov.24 - 26 Serological evaluation of Anti CMV Ab(IgG-IgM) in healthy donors and recipient of kidney transplantation. Forth congress of organ transplantation. Isfahan , Iran, organized by co-operation of Isfahan university of medical sciences, Iranian Society of Organ transplantation & Urology.
2000 March 4 - 6 Nitric Oxide and Kidney , 6th annual Iranian Society of nephrology dialysis &Transplantation congress, Azadi Hotel , Tehran , Iran.
2000 April 22 - 24 Adhesion Molecules .4th National congress of Zoonoses in Iran. Iranian Academy of higher education&Minisrty of Health.
2001 April28 - 30 Glomerular disease in Iran Dialysis and Transplantation symposium combined meeting of Iranian Society of Nephrology, Red Crescent.
2002 April20 - 23 Cytokine and the Kidney,7th annual Iranian Society of Nephrology congress with cooperation of ISN. Razi congress center Tehran.
2002May,15 Cytokines and kidney transplantation. 3rd congress of Iranian Society of organ transplantation. Razi Congress Hall, Tehran IRAN.
2002 June Acute renal failure , 14th annual congress of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine. Razi's Hall , Tehran, Iran .
2002 Oct.22 Economics of organ transplantation in MESOT Countries. In Masqat Oman,8th MESOT meeting .
2003 June 07 Progress of Nephrology in Iran , ISN, COMGAN World Nephrology conference , Berlin Germany.
2003 September Genome and the kidney . 8th annual Iranian Society of Nephrology congress , Hamayesh Razi Congress Hall Tehran , Iran
2004 April15 - 16 Concluding remarks in renal disaster relief task force . Joint meeting of ISN, Iranian Society of Nephrology and Iranian association of Surgeons. On BAM Earthquake.
2004 Dec. Transplantation in Iran . 9th MESOT meeting in Ankara Turkey.
2004 Dec. Impact of Hepatitis C Virus infection on short-term outcomes in Renal Transplantation. 9th MESOT meeting in Ankara , Turkey.
2005June Clinical manifestation of acute cellular rejection of Transplant kidney. Annual meeting of Iranian Society of pathology, Imam Hall H Imam Khomeini hospital Tehran Iran.
2005 Sept. Management of Arterial hypertension. CME meeting Rasoul Akram University hospital , Iran University of Medical Sciences.
2006 March Malignant hypertension . 2nd bi-annual meeting of Iranian association of Internal Medicine and subspecialty meeting in Imam Hall .Tehran
2006 Oct. Renal replacement therapy in Diabetic ESRD, Monthly meeting of Iranian Society of Nephrology , Hashemi-Nedjad Hospital ,Tehran.
2006 Nov.13 New approach to evaluate victim of renal disaster, lesson from Bam earthquake, Grand Rounds Harbor-UCLA , LA. CA , USA.
2007,Jan.14 - 26 Diabetes- Changing the fate of diabetics in dialysis unit. KEYNOTE Address at 9th International Conference on Dialysis. ADVANCES IN CKD 2007 , Hilton Hotel . Austin, Texas , USA.
Professional committees , Memberships , and offices:
1973 - 1975 Member Washington ,D.C., Medical Society .
1974 - present Fellow , American College of Physicians .
1975 - 1978 President of pharmaceutical committee , Beh Avar Hospital , Iran .
1975 - 1979 President Educational Committee , firoozgar Hospital ministry of Health , Iran.
1975 - 1979 Member of Medical Council , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran .
1975 - present Member International Society of Nephrology.
1976 - 1979 Member of Purchasing Committee , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran.
1976 - 1979 Director of Medical Education , Iranian Ministry of Health , post graduate program , Iran .
1976 - present Member , Iranian Society of Nephrology August1977 - 1985 President Iranian Society of Nephrology (4 terms).
1976 - present Member , Iranian Society of Nephrology
1976 - 1982 Member of Iranian transplant Organization , Tehran , Iran
1976 - 1986 Member of Internal Medicine Diseases committee Iranian Medical Council .
1977 - 1979 Chief of Medical Council Branch 4 , Ministry of Health, Tehran , Iran
1977 - 2000 Member of Editorial board of Nephron Journal of Nephrology .
1978 - 1984 Consultant Member of editorial board of the Journal of Iranian Medical Council .
1979 - 1980 President , University of Medical Sciences of Iran , Tehran .
1979 - present Fellow of American College of Physicians .
1980 - 1986 Elected Member of board of directors , Iranian Medical Council , Iran .
1984 - 1988 Treasurer of board of directors of Iranian Society of Internal Medicine (2 terms) .
1987 - 1992 Member European Dialysis and transplant Association , Europe .
1990 - 1992 Member , West Virginia Medical Society .
1990 - 1992 Member , Raleigh County Medical Society .
1990 - 1992 Member , Fayette County Medical Society .
1990 - 2004 Member , National Kidney foundation .
1990 - present Member American Society of Nephrology .
1994 - present Member Iranian Society of Organ transplantation.
1998 - 2004 Board of director Iranian Society of Organ Tx.
2007 Re-elected as board member of Iranian Soc.Org.TX.
1998 - 2002 Representative of Iranian Society of organ transplantation in Middle East Society of Organ Transplantation(MESOT)
2002 - 2004 Vice president Middle East Society of organ transplantation.
2003 - 2005 Consultant affiliate to Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran.
2005 Introduced by International Society of Nephrology as candidate to be elected as council member of ISN from middle east.
1999 - 2006 President Iranian Society of Nephrology(2 terms).
2004 - 2007 Member of Board of Director for Iranian association of Internist and subspecialties (two terms)
2004 - Present Member of Board of director for theIranian association of Medical Societies(IAMS)
2006 - present Chairman educational committee of Iranian Association of Medical Societies.
2005 - present Associate member of Iranian Academy of Medical science of Iran.
Other Activities:
1974 - 1975 Full - time Nephrologist , Renal Section , Department of Internal Medicine , Washington Hospital Center, Washington , D.C.
1975 - 1979 Chief of Nephrology and Dialysis center , Beh Avar Hospital , Tehran , Iran .
1976 - 1979 Chairman Department of Internal Medicine , Firoozgar Hospital , Iran.
1976 - 1988 Consultant Nephrologist to Bank Melli Hospital ,National Oil Company Hospital and Sholada Medical Center .
1976 Organized Ninth (9) Symposium of Kidney disease , Tehran , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Member and Inspector of National dialysis and Transplant Committee , Tehran , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Chief of Nephro - Urology department , Ministry of Health , Iran .
1977 - 1979 Organized nephrology Thursday Journal Club ,Beh - Avar Nephrology service, Tehran , Iran.
1978 Organized first International Congress of Hypertension , Tehran , Iran .
1978 Organized fifth (5) Annual cancer congress , Ahwaz , Iran .
1980 - 1981 President , University of Medical Sciences of Iran .
1983 - 1986 Chief of Renal Service Dr. Shariati’s University Hospital, Tehran University , Iran .
1985 Organized Intensive review course in Internal Medicine , Arranged by Iranian Society of Internal Medicine , Tehran , Iran , June 9 - 15.
Nov.12 - 15 ,1990 Abdominal Ultrasonography , diagnostic Ultrasound division , Department of Radiology .Abdominal Ultrasonography , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , Philadelphia , PA .
Nov. 16,1990 Prostate Ultrasound , Division of Diagnostic ultrasound , Department of Radiology , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , Philadelphia ,PA.
8/20/90 - present Nephrologist ,Med - Surg Group 502 Main Street , Oak Hill , West Virginia 25901 .
1980 - 1982 President Iran university of medical sciences/
1980 - present Professor of Medicine Iran university of medical sciences
1972 - 2006 Chair person of many scientific medical conferences.
2003 President of 8th annual Congress of Iranian Society of Nephrology..
2006 President 2nd bi - annual meeting of Iranian association of Internal Medicine and subspecialty meeting in Imam Hall, Tehran.